OK. So these aren't going to be our next award-winning images (although some of Roger's landscapes are pretty nice) but just indulge me for a minute.
I've always wanted to go to Disneyland since I was a little girl so Roger and I decided to inflict my childhood dreams on our kids and made them come to Hong Kong Disneyland with us.
They liked it almost as much as we did!
Alexi and I loved the flight...

Georgie's idea of sight seeing...

Alexi on the Disney train with Aunty Ali

The highlight of Alexi's trip

Me and Brooklyn and Dumbo

We went on a cruise from Hong Kong to Vietnam

ENVY photography - the next generation

Recovering from our trip in Singapore with the cuzzies

If you find looking at other people's holiday snaps are boring as I do then thanks for your time - hope it wasn't too painful.